Why proactive security matters.

Don’t be reactive, be Proactive.

Proactive security is about taking steps to prevent security incidents before they happen. This can involve everything from implementing security policies and procedures to investing in professional video alarm monitoring. By being proactive, organizations can reduce their exposure to risks and minimize the impact of security incidents when they do occur.

The Benefits

There are a number of benefits to taking a proactive approach to security. Perhaps the most obvious is that it can help to prevent security incidents from happening in the first place. This can save organizations a lot of time, money and resources that would otherwise be spent dealing with the aftermath of an incident.

Being proactive can also help organizations to identify and fix weaknesses in their security before they can be exploited by criminals. This can make it harder for attackers to gain access to a site or building, and can help to limit the damage that can be caused if an incident does occur.

Finally, proactive security can help to build trust and confidence with customers, partners and other stakeholders. Showing that you are taking steps to protect their property and keep them safe can help to build long-term relationships.

The Steps

There are a number of steps that organizations can take to improve their proactive security. One of the most important is to have a clear security strategy in place. This should set out the organization’s approach to security and what it is trying to achieve. It should also identify the key risks that the organization is facing and how these will be managed.

Once you have a strategy in place, you can start to put in place the policies, procedures and technologies that will help to achieve your security goals. This might include things like implementing access control systems, investing in advanced video detection systems or implementing physical security measures.

It is also important to keep up to date with the latest security threats and trends. This will help you to identify new risks that might need to be considered as part of your security strategy. Keeping up to date with new security technology can also help you to quickly respond to new threats and minimize the impact on your organization.


Proactive security is an important part of protecting your organization from security risks. By taking steps to prevent incidents from happening, you can save time, money and resources. You can also build trust and confidence with your customers, partners and other stakeholders.


Business Edition: Crime is on the rise, how to prepare for the worst.


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